28 Pages of 9/11 Report are Missing

Brian Hicks

Posted February 10, 2015

saudifundThe attacks on The World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 have been shrouded in mystery for over a decade because the US government has prevented any legitimate investigation from actually taking place.

Among the many different theories that have sprung up around the tragedy, many point to possible Saudi involvement and possible funding to Al-Qaeda from the Saudi royal family.

15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, yet due to the close relationship that the US government has with the Saudi government, the possibility of their involvement in the attacks was never officially explored.

As the years have passed, clues continue to surface pointing to Saudi involvement, and even in recent weeks new information has been revealed implicating the regime even further.

Extreme Interest in Jihad

Philadelphia lawyer Sean Carter is in the midst of a lawsuit against the Saudi Royal family on behalf of 9/11 victims who believe that the regime had a hand in funding the terrorists who carried out the attacks.

During a trial, Carter was attempting to provide evidence for the claims of his clients, but there were no witnesses and no direct paper trail linking Al-Qaeda to the Saudi royal family. The case took a very interesting turn, however, when the federal judge presiding over the case received a phone call from Zacarias Moussaoui, a prisoner who is currently serving a life sentence for his involvement in Al-Qaeda and the attacks on September 11, 2001.

“He testified that he had this role in creating a digital database of al-Qaeda’s donors and he says that he personally entered the names of a number of senior Saudi officials and members of the royal family,” Carter said.

“He explained to us that it was his understanding that they were making donations to bin Laden in order to maintain their legitimacy in the eyes of the Saudi ulema, who are the Wahhabi religious clerics. The Saudi state itself is the product of a pact between the House of Saud and the Wahhabi ulema, and the continuing legitimacy of that government resides very much on maintaining that bargain,” Carter explained.

Moussaoui said that the Saudi government had an extreme interest in the “Jihad” against the American government, and he even detailed an alleged conversation that he had with a Saudi embassy official, where they discussed shooting Air Force One down from the sky using a hand-held Stinger missile.

28 Pages

The Saudi government has responded to the claims and have said that Zacarias Moussaoui is mentally unstable. They deny any involvement in the attacks and deny ever supporting or funding Al-Qaeda. Their statement pointed to the 9/11 Commission report as evidence of their innocence, saying that the report “found no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded Al-Qaeda.”

“Moussaoui is a deranged criminal whose own lawyers presented evidence that he was mentally incompetent. His words have no credibility. His goal in making these statements only serves to get attention for himself and try to do what he could not do through acts of terrorism — to undermine Saudi-U.S. relations,” the statement continued.

However, the 9/11 commission has been exposed as a sham and should not be pointed to as evidence of anything.

Most of the people who oversaw this commission have since come forward and admitted that they were forced into presenting a version of events that was scripted by the establishment. One of these commissioners named John Farmer even wrote a book called “The Ground Truth”, detailing how evidence was intentionally left out of the report and how the blame was intentionally shifted in order to foment war in the Middle East.

Since the recent news surfaced, two 9/11 Commission members,former Navy Secretary John Lehman and former Sen. Bob Kerrey, have both come forward saying that there were reports that were censored from the 9/11 commission report, which implicated Saudi Arabia in the funding of Al-Qaeda. The commissioners have said that there were 28 pages that were left out of the report, showing that Saudi Arabia had an involvement in the attack. The senators are currently pushing to have those documents declassified.

Saudi Arabia is certainly among the most oppressive governments on the face of the earth, and one of the worst in the Middle East as well. However, the government is close allies with the United States government so they have remained protected for the past several decades as western powers have pillaged the entire region.

The Saudi Government has also enjoyed the benefit of having all of their enemies wiped off the map. The US Government and the Saudi government have a series of mutually beneficial business and diplomatic arrangements, but they are still ideologically opposed, and the ties between these two countries are purely superficial.

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